(lead animator Bruce Smith, animating on
The Princess & the Frog)
The time to go see this film is opening weekend , Friday Dec. 11 or Sat. Dec. 12 would count the most, through Sunday Dec. 13 is fine too .
The opening weekend box-office numbers will count for a lot as to whether Disney's return to hand-drawn animation is perceived as a hit . (and hand-drawn animation could use a genuine, revival-inducing, Little Mermaid-like hit right about now).
So far the reviews have been overwhelmingly positive. Let's hope the general movie-going public agrees.
Time Magazine rates the Top 10 Movies of 2009. Look what film they rate at #1. ---
The Princess and the Frog
Time Magazine rates the Top 10 Movies of 2009. Look what film they rate at #1. ---
The Princess and the Frog
“Musker and Clements have bucked the odds and made a cartoon feature that is true to vintage Disney traditions (like wishing upon a star) yet moves with a contemporary verve and bounce. In an amazing year for animation, The Princess and the Frog is up at the top. “
-Richard Corliss, for Time Magazine