Character Animation Crash Course is now available at your local bookstores (check Barnes & Noble or Borders , or online at Amazon.com)
I have treasured my xeroxed copies of Eric's lecture notes from animation lectures he gave us at Disney several years back and now I am so glad to have all of this material , plus some new material that Eric has added to expand his notes, all bound together in neat little package , including a CD which has Quicktime movies of many of the animation examples he shows in the book.
Eric is one of the best animators working today . This book will perfectly compliment the Richard Williams book . Some of the material will overlap , but Eric's approach to the material has a different flavor than Richard Williams' approach , so you'll get something new from Eric's book , even if you have the Williams book .
At Academy of Art we're not yet using this as a Required Textbook for any of our animation classes since it was just published over the summer, but I can say without any hesitation to all of my students: This is a must-have book for any animator, student or pro.

The website Animated News and Views has a recent interview with Eric where he discusses the book:
Interview with Eric Goldberg on "Character Animation Crash Course"