if see the toy soldiers, turned out for the kids as real forces ...
ordinary scooter? Do not underestimate this scooter for most of the kids you know like a big foot
cardboard? but according to the child's imagination that is Air Craft
School class even considered prison ...
doctor? in the imagination of most rich kids executor of the death penalty ... (somewhat redundant hell) but that's why so many children are scared of the doctor
imagination so still, so the kids are lazy meal
usually the kids like to scribble on the wall because they imagine the corridors are like a canvas ..
These children consequently not be silent, because for the children there is a fire down there ... Well that's more or less
I believe ya, when netter still kid, nette would like to play a sword consequently the paper pipe is usually used as a sword ..
is it quite clear that?
see dad like a hero
vegetables are considered monsters .. LOL :))
for children's toys like a real friend
if child's eating the fried chicken seemed like play an action movie ..
Indonesian culture ondel-ondel, mama ada ondel-ondel atut... :D indonesian people must know